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Agar Street

Main Period: Federation

Leadlight apparent at No’s 10, 20, 23 & 40.

Agar Street.jpg
Agar Street 2020
No 40 England Street.jpg
 A Federation house in Agar Street built between 1904-1908

Agar Street is shown as ‘Agars Street’ in an 1869 sketch plan of lots in the Marrickville area. This sketch plan is interesting because it lists some of the owners of the lots at the time. Emily Street was subsequently renamed Newington Road. These lots were further subdivided in 1876 when Weymiss Street (shown as Weymes Street) was extended to divide the lots. The two lots owned by W. Beer, on the corner of Agar Street and now Newington Road were subdivided into five lots in 1881.The Wellington Estate of 1903 subdivided most of the western side of Agar Street into lots with 40’ frontages and 140’ depth. The 1908 Wellington Estate shows that most of these lots in Agar Street had been sold.


Agar a street has a mixture of housing showing development from the 1880s on the eastern side, Federation homes between 1903 -1910 through to the Californian bungalow period of the 1920s. A lot of the cottages are semi-detached small cottages probably for workers at the nearby mills, claypits or in the increasing number of industries developing in Marrickville. Such modest housing rarely had leadlight.


1869 Sketch plan Marrickville area] - Em
1869 Sketch plan Marrickville area] - Emily St, Addison St, Agars St, 
1876 Reids Subdivision of Lots 17, 18, 1
1876 Reids Subdivision of Lots 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22, Agars Estate, Marrickville - Agars St, Emily St,Weymss St
1881 - Building sites, Stanmore - Agar S
1881 - Building sites, Stanmore - Agar St, Emily St
1909 Wellington Estate, Stanmore, Adjoin
1903 Wellington Estate, Stanmore, Adjoin
1903 Wellington Estate, Stanmore, Adjoining Newington College - Middleton St, Frederick St, Bright St, Addison Rd, East St, Middle St, North St, England Ave, Newington Rd, Emily St, Agar St, 
This 1909 Subdivision plan shows that most of the lots on the western side of Agar Street had been sold.

Agar Street

No 10 is a small, semi-detached house, built after 1909, with leadlight in the front door panel and in the fanlight above the front door panels. This leadlight is a recent addition.

No 10 Agar Street Front Door Panels& Fan
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