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Crieff Street

Main Period: Interwar

Leadlight apparent at No’s 1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 16, 22, 24, 26, 31, 32, 35, 39, 43, 45, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 65 & 71

Crieff Street was created as part of the 7th and 8th subdivision of the Goodlet Estate in May and November 1925. The northern end of Crieff Street between Cheviot and Lasswade Streets was auctioned in the 7th subdivision in May while the southern end was auctioned as part of the 8th subdivision six months later. The houses in Crieff Street were all built in late 1925 or soon after because the building covenant that applied to the sale would have most likely indicated a time period in which construction should commence. While many of the houses have been modified a significant number remain remarkably intact providing an insight into housing design in these interwar years before the depression. Most are late Californian Bungalows. The leadlight in Crieff Street is interesting because of its diversity, ranging from the remnant influence of Art Nouveau to some quite avant-garde Art Deco.

Crieff Street, like many others in Ashbury, was probably named after Crieff in Scottland. There were two subdivisions of the six months apart in 1925.

Crieff Street

No 1 is a Californian Bungalow probably built in 1926 that has leadlight in two three panel casement windows. The design is very geometric, typical Art Deco, with a bevelled glass diamond as the focus, strong pastel yellow vertical elements together with soft blue and pink triangles. The borders are wide and heavily textured clear glass.

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