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Crane Avenue

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Main Period: Federation - Interwar

Leadlight apparent at No’s 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28 & 38

Crane Avenue was part of the 2nd Dobroyd Point Estate Subdivision in 1912 with a few lots auctioned off in 1915. While there are a few Federation houses in Crane Avenue most appear to be Californian Bungalows built immediately after WW1. Unlike Stanton's Haberfield Estate, where they would not have been allowed, there are a number of semi-detached Federation era dwellings in Crane Street. There are some great examples of leadlight of this transitional period in Crane Street.

Crane Avenue

No 1 is a Federation house with leadlight in a classic Federation bull’s eye, the front door panels and sidelight and in a wide transom. The front entrance set appears not to be contemporaneous with the construction of the house.

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