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Old Canterbury Road

Main Period: Late Victorian - Federation - Interwar

Blairgowrie Estate.JPG
Old Canterbury and Canterbury Roads Mrs
1891 Metropolitan Estate Windsor Road, E

Leadlight apparent at No’s 129, 141, 145, 157, 175, 177, 181, 211, 219, 225, 251, 259, 267, 289, 293, 299, 301, 305, 307, 309, 311, 315, 319 & 345.

Only the eastern and southern side of Old Canterbury is in what is now Dulwich Hill. The northern end has retained quite a few late Victorian and modest Federation houses but past Abergeldie Street one enters the edge of the Abergeldie Estate Heritage Conservation Area and this is an area that has possibly the greatest density of leadlight from the late 1920’s and 1930’s. The first map shows some of the earlier subdivisions showing ‘Valuable Allotments’ on the Canterbury Old Road some time in the early 1870’s as Mrs Campbell is still shown as owning much of the adjacent land. The part of Old Canterbury Road that became part of what is now known as the Abergeldie Estate was purchased by Sir Hugh Dixson in 1885 and stayed as one estate until his death and the subsequent auction in 1927 The Abergeldie Estate and the Abergeldie Heritage Conservation Area are shown underneath). The second subdivision map shows the Blair Gowrie Estate in 1886 from which a number of late modest Victorian houses were constructed.

1884 Hamstead Hill Estate Old Canterbury
Fairmount Estate - Windsor Rd, Rosedale
Abergeldie Estate.JPG

Old Canterbury Road

No 129 is a two storey Victorian terrace (c.1888) with leadlight in the fanlight above the front door that looks like a later addition. The terrace next door does not have any leadlight.

No 129 Old Canterbury Road Fanlight abov
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