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Chelmsford Avenue

Main Period: Federation - Interwar

Leadlight apparent at No’s 1, 2, 3, 5 & 13

Chelmsford Avenue was part of the 2nd subdivision of the Dobroyd Point Estate in 1912 and 1915. There are only a few houses with frontages on Chelmsford Avenue because for most of its length it consists of the side fences of houses that have frontages facing the streets that run perpendicular to it. Those few houses that do face Chelmsford Avenue are at the northern end and are almost all bungalows and their leadlight reflects this period.

Chelmsford Avenue

No 1 is a very modified Californian Bungalow with a large leadlight panel in the front door that has eight lenses. It is similar to other doors in Ashfield (see 37 Joseph, 4 King & 233 Victoria Street).

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