A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.

Myra Road
Main Period: Federation
Leadlight apparent at No 18
Myra Road is at the western end of Dulwich Hill and appears as part of Yules Estate Marrickville in 1899. Of interest is that this sale was ‘By order of the Master in Equity’ and in the time in question it was the Master’s task to deal with the administration of estates and questions involving disputes between executors or trustees and legatees and others who may have thought they were ‘aggrieved’. In 1850 the land was shown as the ‘Property of R Campbell Esq MC’. In 1885 the land was shown as ‘Part of Miss Campbell’s Estate’. Sarah was one of his seven children who married Arthur Frederic Jeffreys and there were quite a few subdivisions in Hurlstone Park, not far from Myra Road, known as the Jeffrey’s Estate. Clearly there was a dispute over the land and the Master had ordered subdivided and sold. Myra Road now is almost completely home units with very few original house was left standing in the street and only one with leadlight.