A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.
The land that now makes up Dulwich Hill was subdivided for residential dwellings from the 1850's. It is a rich mozaic of residential development with many heritage listed dwellings. The table below lists those subdivisions that have been located in the State Library. The last major subdivision tool place in 1928 when the Dixson property was subdivided as the Abergeldie estate. The thumbnails of the scanned subdivision notices (located below the table) will expand when clicked.
Subdivision images
The images below show the subdivision and estate plans for most of Dulwich Hill. They have been obtained through the State Library of NSW. At this time (Feb, 2019) this site is the only place where they can be accessed through the web.
These images also show how the design of these advertising plans changed from the 1870's to the late 1920's.
A map from the 1850's showing the development that was occurring just to the east of Dulwich (shown in blue) and New Canterbury Road in red.
1882 Camberwell Grove Wardell’s Estate Petersham
1882 Maddock Street, Constitution Road, Jones Street, Canterbury Road
1874 Lewisham Estate
1880 Summer Hill Petersham View Estate Constitution Road, Manchester Street
1883 Gladstone Estate
1884 Camberwell Grove Marrickville
1884 Gladstone Estate South Petersham
1884 Wardell Hill Marrickville
1884 Yules Estate Petersham
1885 (c.) Miss Campbell's Estate (The Abergeldie Estate was formed from this parcel of land)
1885 Emmaville Estate Summer Hill
1886 Blair Gowrie Estate Summer Hill
1889 Camberwell Grove Wardell's Estate
1890 Dulwich Hill Petersham
1892 Lewisham West
1894 Durham Estate Dulwhich Hill
1895 Wardell Hill Estate
1899 Beauchamp Estate
1899 Yules Estate Marrickville
1899 Yules Estate Marrickville
1900 Dulwich Hill Petersham
1900 Teege's Estate Dulwich Hil
1902 Hillcrest Estate Dulwich Hill
1902 Silver Hill Estate Fern Hill
1902 Hillcrest Estate Dulwich Hill
1901 Macarthur Estate Dulwich Hill
1902 Standard Pottery Works Estate
1902 Woodbury Estate Dulwich Hill
1902 Yules Estate No 3 Dulwich Hill
1903 Wincombe Park Petersham West
1904 Yules Estate Dulwich Hill
1906 Priddle Estate Dulwich Hill
1906 Turanville Estate Fernhill
1907 Gladstone Hall Estate
1907 Woodcourt Estate Dulwhich Hill
1908 Woodcourt Estate Dulwhich Hill Heights
1909 Terrace Garden Estate Dulwich Hill
1912 Macarthur Estate No 2 Dulwich Hill
1912 Wardell Hill Estate
1914 Sefton Hall Estate Dulwich Hil
1915 Sefton Hall Estate No2 Dulwhich Hill
1918 Section 1a of the Petersham Estate
1919 Campbell's Estate Petersham Heights
1921 Dulwhich Hill Marrickville
1922 Wardell Park Estate South of Dulwich Hill
1927 Dulwich Hill Business Sites
1928 Abergeldie Estate Summer Hill
Abergeldie Estate Heritage Conservation Area