A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.

Despointes Street
Main Period: Victorian
Leadlight apparent at No’s 17, 28, 32, 34, 36, 36A 38, 38A, 40, 54, 60, 81, 90 & 94.
Despointes Street appears as part of the Frogmore Estate in 1903 and also in the Dulwich Estate of the same year. The subdivision of the Frogmore and Dulwich Estates in 1903 consisted of mainly narrow blocks, typically 20 feet (6.1metres) x 100 feet (30.5 metres). Many of the dwellings built in these first subdivisions were clearly meant to provide housing for workers. A large percentage of the homes were weatherboard or semi-detached. A lot of the original streetscape remains and retains the heritage of the area.
Despointes Street was named after Michel Thomas Despointes who migrated to Sydney in 1839. He built Malakoff Towers in Malakoff Street, the street to the west. He was a relative of Auguste Febvrier-Despointes (1796 –1855), a French Admiral who served in the Crimean War in 1954 and was involved in the siege of Sevastopol that lead to the French Victory at the Battle of Malakoff, where there is another Malakoff Tower. Despointes died at Malakoff Towers in 1865.

Despointes Street, August 2020.

Semi-detachedhouses in Despointes Street

Frogmore Estate circa 1903. Frogmore Street no longer exists