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High Street

Main Period: Interwar

Leadlight apparent at No’s 16A & 18.

High Street is shown on the 1884 subdivision of Myrtle Grove as running from Schwebel Street to Myrtle Street. This is now Charlotte Avenue. In 1891 lots on the western side of High Street were auctioned. The Residence of Mr J Meeks is shown on the eastern side of High Street. By 1896 Meeks’ residence is shown as Myrtle Cottage owned by Alexander Sneddon Esq. The road shown as Meeks Road is now Carrington Road. It appears that the eastern side of High Street was developed in the 1920’s

1884 Myrtle Grove  Marrickville - Schweb
This part of High Street is now Charlotte Avenue.
1891 Marrickville overlooking The Warren
This subdivisionof 1891 shows the lots on the western side.
1896 Myrtle Grove no. 2, Marrickville -
This Myrtle Grove, the estate, still existed on the southern side of High Street in 1896.

High Street

No 16A is an interwar bungalow (c.1928) with leadlight in a three panel double hung window. The design radiates upwards and there is a total absence of colour.


16A High Street Three Panel Double Hung
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