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A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.

Fernbank Street
Main Period: Victorian
Leadlight apparent at No’s 1, 11, 17, 19 & 28
The Woodlands Estate began to be subdivided in the 1890’swith ‘Woodlands’ directly opposite where Fernbank runs into Gladstone Street (it was originally Woodlands Street). This can be seen in the 1891 auction of the Woodlands Estate where the western end of the street was subdivided. The eastern end of the street was part of the Fernbank Estate that was auctioned in 1897.

Fernbank Estate, 1897

Woodlands Estate, 1891
Sketch Plan, circa. 1900.

Fernbank Estate, 1903

Late Victorian charm of Fernbank Street, August 2020.
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