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Frazer Street

Main Period: Federation - Interwar.

Leadlight apparent at No’s 61, 63, 83, 97, 101, 109 & 111.

Frazer Street connects Sydenham Road to New Canterbury Road at Dulwich Hill. The Dulwich Hill end has a large number of Victorian houses but the section of the street in Marrickville was mainly subdivided in the years after Federation and then again after World War 1.

1910 Rathlin Estate near Petersham - Mor
The Rathlin Estate included the lots opposite Marrickville Oval.
1910  Brereton's Estate, Marrickville -
This subdivision of Brereton's Estate in 1910 is interesting because it shows the location of the Astralian Woolen Mills which is now Wilkins Primary School
1920 Marrickville, Radford's Estate - Fr
1920 Radford's Estate This is the subdivision shown in the sketch on the right.
1918 Section 1a of the Petersham Estate
1918 Section 1a of the Petersham Estate

Frazer Street

No 61 is an early California bungalow (c.1921) with leadlight in a four panel casement window and in the sidelights and tops and fanlight of the front door.


No 61 Frazer Street Four Panel Casement.
No 61 Frazer Street Front Door Sidelight
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