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Tressider Avenue

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Main Period: Federation

Leadlight apparent at No’s 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34 & 36

Tressider Avenue is a beautiful tree lined street. Most of the houses were built during World War 1 and were part of the fourth subdivision of the Haberfield Estate in 1910. There are some wonderful houses that have leadlight representative of the late Federation Period.

Tressider Avenue

No 2 is a Federation house (1915) with leadlight in a four panel casement window on the right. The two centre panels jut out in unusual triangle, There is leadlight in the front door panel and two large sidelights & tops and in the fanlight. It forms part of a beautiful Federation entry ensemble. There is leadlight in the beautiful double doors and sidelights on the verandah but the design, while beautiful, is very different to the other leadlight in the windows and entry suggesting that it is may not be contemporaneous with the construction of the house.

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