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A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.

Heighway Avenue
Main Period: Victorian – Federation - Interwar
Leadlight apparent at No’s , 5, 11, 13, 25, 27, 29, 31 & 40
Heighway Avenue starts in Ashfield, crosses Frederick Street and heads west into Croydon. It is a real mixture of things. There are some old weatherboard cottages in Heighway Avenue that indicate both the age of the houses and that it was not initially regarded as place for the affluent. Crossing over Iron Cove Creek suggests that is may have been a place for the effluent. Some of the houses east of Frederick Street are definitely representative of the early Federation style. Many of the houses would aspire to be regarded as Californian Bungalows. They are in the main, small cottages built beside the railway line.
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