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A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.
Newington Road
Main Period: Victorian
Newington Road, July 2020
Leadlight apparent at No’s 44, 55, 82, 93, 105, 106, 108, 114 & 122
Newington Road appears as Emily Street as early as 1869 and still appeared as Emily Street till the 1880’s. Sometime before 1903 most of the street had been named Newington Road. This clearly shows the influence of Newington College. Newington House was established in 1863 at Silverwater and moved to Stanmore in 1880 after the construction of the Founders Building.
The subdivision plans on the right show the change in the name of the street and provide an indication of the times when the houses were constructed.
Valuable Allotments 1875
Sketch Plan, Emily Street 1869.
Choice Villa Sites, 1875.
Reid's Subdivision 1876
Central Subdivision 1875
Building Sites 1881
Wellington Estate 1903
Wellington Estate 1908
Wellington Estate 1909
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