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Gelding Street

Main Period: Federation

Leadlight apparent at 

Gelding Street was shown as Jones Street in the hand drawn map 1882. The name was changed some time after that. Subdivision plans have not been found but almost all of the dwellings are from the early to mid-Federation years and some are very much intact. Gelding Street is a relatively short Street and most of the houses seem to be from the Federation period or even a little bit earlier. 

1882 Maddock Street, Constitution Road,

Gelding Street

No 2 is a small Californian bungalow (c.1922) with leadlight light in the front door panels and a three panel casement on the verandah (difficult to focus because of the shrubs).

No 2 Gelding Street Three Panel Casement
No 2 Gelding Street Front Door Panel.jpg
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