A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.

Addison Road
Main Period: Victorian - Federation
Leadlight apparent at No’s 73, 101-109, 165, 178, 180, 182, 196, 211, 221 & 233.
Addison Road is one of the oldest roads in Marrickville. The 1831 Plan shows Thomas Moore’s Estate and the text indicates that the area was swampy. Thomas Moore’s Estate was subdivided in 1836 and the eastern end of Addison Road is clearly shown. It then appears again on the left hand side of Lang’s Grant dated c.1840 by the State Library showing Dr Wardell’s Estate, and in 1850 (c.) in Lang's Grant where Wardell’s Estate is still shown. Since that time there have been numerous subdivisions along Addison Road. While there are a few homes left from the Victorian era, most of the homes appear to have been built around the time of Federation and then again just after the First World War. They are almost all modest cottages and semi-detached homes built for people who worked in the area or commuted using the tram network.
There is not a lot of original leadlight to see in Addison Road. A lot of the housing from the late Victorian years was built to house working families of modest means and leadlight rarely appeared in these homes.

Addison Road, August 2020

Semi-detached houses in Addison Road

1831. A Plan showing a Swamp in the Parish of Petersham applied for by two Veterans and encroached on by Doctor Wardell
1835 (c.) Marrickville, part of Moore's 470 acre grant - Addison Rd, Victoria Rd, Fitzroy Rd, Edinburgh Rd, Enmore Rd, Cooks Rd,
![1840 (c) [Langs grant, Trevey's Estate]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/94d26d_b036144c9e1c40c4b4579c6652c690e7~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_181,h_214,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1840%20(c)%20%5BLangs%20grant%2C%20Trevey's%20Estate%5D%20.jpg)
1840 (c) [Langs grant, Trevey's Estate] - Addison Rd

1850 c. Wardell's Estate, Addison Road, Cowper Street, Enmore Road,
![1869 Sketch plan Marrickville area] - Em](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/94d26d_e01a306bc71945bf8b496f022e58f7af~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_159,h_215,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1869%20Sketch%20plan%20Marrickville%20area%5D%20-%20Em.jpg)
1869 Sketch plan Marrickville area] - Emily St, Addison St, Agars St, [1869]
![1870 (C) [Plan Marrickville area] - Alb](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/94d26d_e0e801999ae24ba3ad9987d5e6afe9e1~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_249,h_283,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1870%20(C)%20%20%5BPlan%20Marrickville%20area%5D%20-%20Alb.jpg)
1870 (C) [Plan Marrickville area] - Albert St, Canterbury Rd, Frederick St, Addison Rd, John St, William St, Charles St (now Bright Street),
1875 (c.) Central subdivision, Stanmore

1875 Choice villa sites, Stanmore - Emily St, Perry St, Cowper St, Sophia St, Edward St, Tupper St, Addison Rd

1876 Mr Lowe's Allotments - Marrickville - Subdivision of Lots 11 & 12 - Little Cowper St, Tupper St, Addison Rd,

1885 Marrickville - James St, Surry St,

1891 Portion of Mrs Jones' subdivision, Norwood Hill, Petersham - Frederick St, Addison Rd, William St, Jones St, North St, Middle St, Marshall St, Middleton St

1898 Marrickville, Prudy's Estate - Illawarra Rd, Agar St, Addison Rd, East St, Essex St

1900 Choice Building Sites, Stanmore - Bright St, North St, East St, Addison Rd, Middle St

1902 Enmore, Addison Road, Perry Street, Gordon Street, Cowper Street

1903 Wellington Estate, Stanmore, Adjoining Newington College - Middleton St, Frederick St, Bright St, Addison Rd, East St, Middle St, North St, England Ave, Newington Rd, Emily St, Agar St,

1905 Norwood Park near Stanmore - Surrey St, Neville St, Addison Rd, Park Rd, Rose St

1910 Rathlin Estate near Petersham - Morgan St, Napier St, Miller St, Frazer St, Livingstone Rd, Addison Rd

1913, Addison Estate, Marrickville - Addison Rd, Illawarra Rd

1920 Addison Road New Corner, Illawarra Road, Addison Road, Agar Street, Wemyss Avenue

1913 Addison Estate, Marrickville

1914 Addison Estate, Marrickville - Charles Street, Illawarra Road