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Jersey Street

Main Period: Federation

Leadlight apparent at No’s 1, 10 & 12

Jersey Street.JPG
Jersey Street May 2021

Jersey Street is a typical Marrickville street with lots of small early Federation cottages built for workers and consequently, there is little leadlight. In the first subdivision of Moncur’s Garden in 1905, Jersey Street was shown as James Street. Only about half the lots were sold at the first auction and the rest were put up for private sale not long after when the street became Jersey Street. It is interesting to read that the area was described as being 'on the highlands of Marrickville'.

1905 Moncur's Garden on the highlands of
Moncur's Garden 1905.
Jersey Street is shown as James Street
1906 Moncur's Garden on the highlands of
Moncur's Garden 1906.
Jersey Street is shown as late James Street

Jersey Street

No 1 is a Federation cottage (c.1906)  with some leadlight in the front door panels. The leadlight is not consistent with the age of the house and is likely to be a much later addition.

No 1 Jersey Street Door Panes.JPG
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